
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Usage of under

Wednesday, November, 18, 2015

Hey all, Jordan here with another Awesome English report.

Today, let’s learn some vocabulary pertaining to something that is in development or under development as we will be saying in the blog post that is being written today.

The photo that was taken that is being used for this blog post was taken outside a restroom area and has erroneous English written on it. The correct English should have been “under surveillance”. This particular sign just mentions “A surveillance camera”, which is amusing, but not informative. For instance, are they selling the camera? Are they merely advertising its existence?

As I mentioned in the sentence above, the word they wanted to and should have used is “under”. Let’s look at some more things that can have “under” to mean development and what have you.
Under surveillance
Under construction
Under development
Under consideration
Under orders

And there you have it. Those are just some of the things that the word under may be used for to signify something in process. That concludes the blog posting that I wrote for this week.

≫ Category: ジョーダンからのメッセージ / by:staff
