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French with Duolingo

Thursday, July, 23, 2015

Hi there, this is Anand with another Awesome English update. ?Looks like rainy season is on its way out and there are plenty of hot sunny days ahead. ?For some of you, I am sure that is just as bad as the rain. ?If you see yourself staying in to beat the heat, I would recommend using that time to study. ?Thankfully study methods have evolved exponentially since I began studying Japanese, with specialized apps on the rise made to put a little more fun, practicality and portability into language learning. ?One of the programs I have been using is called Duolingo. ?It is a pretty simple, and surprisingly free app available for iPhone and Android. ?You can choose several different languages to learn, but I tend to stick to French. ?It’s a free program, but it makes a good supplement to textbook learning. ?A lot of the time you will be arranging pre-selected words into sometimes-clunky sentences and to be honest, you can usually deduce the answers instead of using the language to understanding them. ?In other words, no one is going to learn a language with this app, but if you have a long train commute or a few spare minutes at lunch, you might as well try it out.

Here is one of the odder sentences that it has come up with.

≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
