
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Tanabata Tree!

Thursday, June, 25, 2015

Hello everyone, this is Anand with another Awesome English report! ?I hope you all are enjoying the longer and longer days. ?The plus side to these longer days is that I get to see lots of sunlight on the way home…the problem is that it wakes me up in the morning!

Anyway, with the summer months in full effect, it is time to get ready for Tanabata. ?Although I run an international school, we try and enjoy Japanese culture, since most of our kids are Japanese. ?In any case, this year we decided to get a piece of bamboo and make a real tree.

We managed to find a patch of bamboo near one of our kids’ homes so we drove one over and snatched one up (and be snatched I mean asked the landlord politely). ?We haven’t shown the kids yet, but the Japanese staff were pretty excited!

Now all that is left is to make a wish…


≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
