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My Fascination with Hitler

Thursday, April, 02, 2015

Hello everyone, this is Anand with another Awesome English update. ?I hope you guys are doing well. ?I have a lot of hobbies – Japanese, running, piano, etc. ?but one I don’t bring up too often is my fascination with the Nazi regime and Adolf Hitler. ?I suppose the reason is because it just kind of stands out as a little odd to people. ? However, I find the whole idea that such an insane group of human beings were able to take over what is now an economic power and a model to the world for education and efficiency. ?What is it about Hitler that allowed him to reach great heights? ?And what is the basic flaw in the human character that let us lift such a man up? ?These are questions that fascinate me and have driven me through volumes of work on the man and his followers. ?Japan always has an interesting perspective to me because of its unique ties to him, and I have always been a fan of Osamu Tezuka’s Hitler story. ?And now it’s being turned into a play! ? Who’s going to go with me?


≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
