
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Monday, November, 24, 2014

Hello everyone, this is Anand with another Awesome English update. Unfortunately the time has come when I have to start using my heater to the sadness of my sinuses and my electric bill. Even in Japan I can’t escape the cool air of November. Speaking of November, there is a popular custom that several western countries take part in this time of the month. We call it Movember. It’s a portmanteau of “moustache” and “November”. During this month men grow out their moustaches, no matter how inadequate a moustache they can grow. Why do they do such a ridiculous thing? Well in theory most men grow them to raise cancer awareness and to promote men’s health. In fact Canada makes the most Movember contributions to prostate cancer groups than any other nation. However, I think at this point it is just a reason for guys to grow what is usually considered to be an outdated form of facial hair and not get ridiculed for it. But whatever one thinks of the morals behind such a thing, it is actually kind of fun. I used to participate in these events until I found out the no-moustache company rule. Sad, but there are enough moustache/bearded pics of me to last a lifetime. Enjoy one of my best!


≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
