
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Post-race tan tan men!

Monday, November, 17, 2014

Hello everyone, this is Anand with another Awesome English update. ?As you probably know, I go back to my old home of Katsuura pretty often. ?It’s pretty far and I was only there for three years, but in that time I made many great friends and had a lot of good experiences. ?One thing I make sure I do every year is to participate in the Katsuura Naruka Road race. ?It features a half marathon and a 10 kilometre race. ? I started out doing the 10 k, but recently I have moved up to the half marathon. ?It’s good prep for the full marathon coming up in two weeks. ?In any case, this race is special to me in the I get to see several of my old students and they like to cheer me on. ?The main reason for this is that I like to do this run in some kind of ridiculous costume. ?One year I ran as Mario, another year I ran as a panda. This year I ran as Vegita, from Dragon Ball. ?This always results in me getting incredibly tired as a result of wearing too much gear, but it is balanced out by the enjoyment of getting lots of cheers from the spectators. ?Needless to say I didn’t win, but I treated myself to a proper prize. ?Katsuura is well-known for its tantanmen, which is made with plenty of spice and is known for its heat. ?It won the silver prize in the All-Japan Grand Prix for ramen! ?All I know is that whenever I need a reminder of my life in Katsuura, I can always eat it for a boost.

Anyway, I guess I have to start thinking about next year!

≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
