
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く


Monday, October, 20, 2014

Hello everyone! ?Anand here as always with the Awesome English update! ?My weekend we cut short by work again, but somehow I managed to make the most of it! ?This week I did plenty. ?On Friday I met up with an old friend from Canada with whom I studied Japanese with. ?I am happy to say that I have managed to get better while she has, well, not. ?One of the reasons I came to Japan was to expose myself to more Japanese people and therefore more Japanese and the difference shows over the course of seven years. ?We went to an Awa-odori themed restaurant where we got to watch hourly shows of the dance and got to participate in a short dance competition. ?And somehow I was voted as best dancer! ?I guess all that practice at being animated and lively at work pays off. ?Then again, I might have just gotten the award for being a visible foreigner. ?In any case it was good to see an old friend and good to be reminded of my life back in Canada.

I also got to try zip-lining with some new friends as well! ?On Saturday I hopped on a train, and then another train, and then hopped on a bus and then climbed a hill to get to a zip-lining course hidden off of Odawara called Tobi-tengu. ?It was another one of those events that I caught wind of via meetup, and it was a great experience! ?It was a little daunting at first being so high up and having no experience, but after the first descent it was plenty of fun. ?In all we traversed over a kilometer over lots of pretty forest and rivers. ?I hope to try it again, to say the least.

So while I did have to work, I got to spend time with old friends and with new friends and that is never a bad weekend.

All the best,


≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
