
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Maple Syrup – A Canadian Treasure.

Tuesday, October, 14, 2014

Hello everyone, it’s been another week with another typhoon. ?I hope you all managed to stay dry. ?I managed to get all of my laundry done and get enough cooking done so that I didn’t have to leave my apartment once during the rain. ?I actually spent most of the time learning about the American electoral system, which is at once incredibly interesting and also befuddling because it is an antique of a time when people had to deliver decisions by horse and not through fiber optic wire. ?I was explaining this to my friends at work and they managed to turn it around on me and start a discussion on Canada, specifically our reserve of maple syrup, which is in fact, a real thing. ?Maple syrup is such an important commodity to our economy (we sell tons to Japan!) that we actually need to stockpile it just in case we run low a year. ?So while maple syrup is often a point used to make fun of Canadians, I guess we can only defend ourselves so much considering that it is propping up our economy!


Here is a picture of me with maple syrup.

Isn’t it great?

See you next time,




≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
