
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Camping Time!

Monday, September, 29, 2014

Hello everyone! ?This is Anand as always with the Awesome English blog! As always, I hope you had a good weekend, and as always, mine was great. This time I took a trip to Otaki and enjoyed a little camping with some good friends. ?Every year me and some former ALTs get together and head to Kenmin no Mori in the town of Otaki, right in the middle of Chiba prefecture. ?We have some laughs, barbecue some good food and then start drinking! On this note I have some sad news…I have made myself quit beer! Unfortunately with the Aqua Line marathon coming up and me having done no training, I think that the only way I will survive it is if I at least maintain a decent diet. But even without the sweet taste of alcohol it was a great chance to meet some of my old friends and some of the new ALTs in the Chiba area. And while beer always makes camping better, there are always marshmallows and a bonfire which make things almost as good. ?I am looking forward to next year, because it keeps getting better and better!

Until next time,




≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
