
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く


Tuesday, September, 16, 2014

Hello everyone, this is Anand here with another update as always.? I hope you have made the most of your 3 day weekend.? I definitely tried to make the most of mine with a trip by to my old home of Katsuura.? They have a very nice summer festival every year where everyone in the community takes part.? It’s a great chance for me to see my students and to see everyone I know cutting loose and having a good time.? I often feel sorry for all of the large men and boys who have to do all the carrying of the mikkoshi and pushing of the dashi.? It seems us little guys have it better for once!??

I love the whole process of going back to Katsuura.? It’s a 2.5 hour trip there but it’s one of the rare times when no one can distract me and I can get some reading/studying done.? This time I listened to an audiobook about the rise of the Nazis, but that is getting a little off topic .?
In Katsuura I saw old students, visited old shops, watched some great performances and drank lots of beer.? I love Yokohama, but it’s nice to go back to such a laid back, relaxing place.?

Until next time,?


≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
