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Presents for Teacher!

Monday, September, 08, 2014

Hello everyone, this is Anand here with your update as always. As always, my life is busy with reports, preparations and a lot of running around. And occasionally I even teach! We have ?a Sports Day coming at our preschool and with it being our very first one there is a lot of planning to do. Not only that, we re expanding our preschool into Tokyo, and with that there are even more preparations for me to be on top of. I am learning lots of new things, and in a way it is very exciting. However, my favorite thing to do on top of all the extra duties is still teaching. I have been a teacher for about 7 years now and I have had some of the busiest days of my life. I have often wanted to quit/fly away/disappear from the job because, as you might know, it is stressful work! However, it is some of the most rewarding work a person can do, because even though students can be difficult and frustrating, they are capable of giving you real, tangible gratitude and that makes all of the work worth it. Just recently, I was have a stressful, miserable day and one of my students gave me a very sweet letter. It makes a difficult job a piece of cake.

≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
