
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Food from home

Monday, August, 18, 2014

Hello everyone! ?I hope that you all made the most of your Obon long weekend. ?I had to work, but there were no students…so I was actually productive for once! ?In any case, I am a little renewed after my stay in India, so I am ready to go back to work. ?However, now that I am back, I get to enjoy some of the things I brought home with me! ?What is nice is that I got to bring back both things from India and things from Canada. ?This is possible because I told my brothers to bring some Canadian goodies with them to give to me. ?And they delivered nicely! ?I currently have FIVE boxes of cookies on my desk at home as well as two bottles of maple syrup, a Canadian standard. ?But best of all is the sodium-filled canned good that they brought with them. ?I have plenty of Chef Boyardee ravioli to enjoy and though I am sure to get sick eating them, I am looking forward to it!

Are there foods that you miss when you traveled abroad? ?I want to know!

≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
