
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

I missed you, Chiba!

Monday, June, 16, 2014

Hello everyone, Anand here as always. Summer is finally here judging by the heat. I must admit, I like warm days, but it is starting to get silly. ?It must be my Canadian nature. ?On the other hand, I spent most of my time either outside or on a train over the weekend. ?This weekend I made my long-awaited return to Chiba. ?I signed up for a half marathon in Kyonan-machi and decided to spent my weekend hanging out with my friends over in Katsuura. ?While this means that I have to spend hours on a train, it is a good chance to reconnect with my old life in small town Japan. ?I took the 3 hour train rain down to Kyonan and ran my race on Saturday. ?The Kyonan Hills half-marathon is not your average run. ?It features a ridiculous uphill run at the beginning of the race which never seems to end on top of the long distance. ?I finished with a decent time, but I was certainly fried by the end. ?Normally the smart thing to do would be to stretch and go home, but instead I immediately started drinking beer and went to Onjuku where I kept drinking with my friends. ?Then in the morning I did some more drinking and headed to Katsuura where I kept drinking more.

It was one of the best weekends I can remember, but what I can remember is spotty at best.

I think I am going to love this summer after all.

≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
