
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

French Meetup!

Monday, June, 09, 2014

Hello there everyone, this is Anand as always. ?It seems like spring has made its way out and the rainy season is here. ?It was good while it lasted… Hope you all have your umbrellas!

While I have been busy at work, I have been trying to make the most of my weekends. ?I try my best to stay active both in mind and body. ?Of course, I work my mind by running all the time, but lately I have been picking up on my French. ?I like to study new languages, because in my opinion it makes me a better English teacher. ?I take lessons near Yokohama station every Thursday and I study uses various iPhone apps as well. ?However, this doesn’t substitute speaking with French people.

So I started using an app called Meetup and I found a group where Japanese people and French people get together to chat. ?This week we went to a French restaurant in Omotesando for a 3 course meal. ?That said, the food was great and I actually got to practice my French – not only with French people but with Japanese people as well. ?It was humbling to say the least, but also very rewarding. ?It reminded how much fun it is to learn a language and just how many connections you can make with just a few words.

And the best part about learning French? ?The French know how to find delicious food!

≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
