
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Runner Skill Level Up!!

Monday, May, 26, 2014

Hello there everyone, this is a very tired and sore Anand with this week’s update! Hope you all are feeling better than I do. But there is a reason I am feeling under the weather and there is a reason I am in a bit of pain. A lot of it has to do with the fact that I went running on Saturday. In fact I broke a couple of records for myself. On Saturday I ran my very first 60 kilometer race. I went to Miura Peninsula to try my hand at my first ultramarathon. An ultramarathon is any distance over the full marathon distance of 42 kilometers, but I really don’t think it counts as anything special until you reach 60 myself. In some ways it was a pretty fun experience. The weather was great, the scenery was beautiful and the people were very friendly. However, in some other ways it was pretty awful. I was running (well, lightly jogging) pretty well until 48 km when I suddenly died a horrible death in my legs. I wanted very much to keep running but my body wouldn’t let me. I felt unbearable pain in my knee and thought I would have to quit. ?Thankfully I was able to walk and managed to keep moving for a few more kilometers, and even more thankfully I was able to dig deep at the very end and run the last few kilometers to the very end. I’ve ?never felt so close to quitting as I did on Saturday ,but I am glad I kept going because it let’s me know that I can will myself to things that seem too difficult for me at first. In any case, I think I will be retiring from running for the next week or so, but rest assured, you’ll see me on the road soon enough!


Until next time!



≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
