
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Pretending to Study

Monday, May, 19, 2014

Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well. ?Have you been following all the talk with Shinzo Abe and the Jietai controversy. ? I have been learning about it in one of my Japanese classes and it is quite interesting. ?I see both sides of the argument – the Japanese constitution does provide an ideal way of thinking – that we cannot have an army designed to go to war. ?At the same time, it’s a pretty hard thing to justify when everyone else has an army and Japan’s allies and using theirs to help Japan. ?Is it so unreasonable to have to be able to help those who are helping you? ?On the other hand, is this whole thing just a ploy to get Japan into the arms race again? ?I have no idea since I read basically one article a week.

Anyway, on to something lighter. ?I have been telling myself I am studying hard. ?How true this is I can’t really say, because my study method is not particularly good. ?I have switched back to reading manga – specifically, back to my favorite manga, namely JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. ?It’s been making a bit of a resurgence lately because of the anime, but I first discovered it through a fighting game for the Playstation.

I wanted to read it when I first got to Japan, but my Japanese wasn’t good enough. ?Now I am giving it another crack. ?I have made it through the first two series and now I am on the third. ?I am not sure the vocabulary I am learning is so useful, but I find the best benefit is that it trains my attention and keeps me from falling asleep while I read kanji.

Anyway, if you have lots of time and nothing better to do, give it a read. ?It’s pretty interesting!

≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
