
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Army Base Run!

Monday, April, 21, 2014

Hello everyone, Anand here with the Awesome English update! And of course, as always, this is going to be yet another blog about running. This week, like almost every week, I participated in a half marathon. And like every run, I went into it without really having read the information as to where the run was, what kind of run it was and so on and so forth. However, I kind of like running that way. It means that there is always some kind of surprise waiting for me (for instance, one of my runs was me and 3 people running behind an old guy on a bicycle. Another was me hiking up 6 mountains, etc.). This week definitely held some surprises for me. The odd thing about this race was that when I got the package I also received a security clearance form from the US Government, which is pretty unusual to say the least. My friends (who were running with me and knew even less about the race than I did) thought they were in trouble with the government! However, everything made sense when we got to the race site. It turns out that the race was being held on a US Army base in Sagamihara. It was definitely an interesting feeling running among a bunch of bunkers and military equipment – not exactly the same as running through cherry blossoms or along a river that wraps around a mountain. But it was fun anyway. From a pure running standpoint it was a pretty simple race – run five laps through the base amounting to 21 kilometres. I am always struck by some of the things I see and hear and smell at a race. I can remember hundreds of tiny beeps as people set their watches before the race. I can remember that sharp menthol smell of freezing spray as I changed. I can remember absurd lines as people lined up by the food trucks outside of the race. Running is basically the same wherever you go, but there are always little things that make it both interesting and worth doing.

Until next time,


≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
