
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Dead or Alive, You’re Coming with Me.

Monday, March, 24, 2014

Hello everyone, Anand here as always with the weekly update. As things get warmer I have more drive to get out of the apartment, and I definitely made the most of it this week. My friends visited me over the weekend and I got to show them around Yokohama. Let’s just say we spent most of the time sampling Yokohama’s many fine bars and establishments. But the real main event, at least for me, was what we did the next day, after we (eventually) woke up and managed to crawl out of bed. We headed to World Porters in the afternoon for some good Mexican food and to watch a remake of one of my favorite movies, Robocop.

I have mixed feelings about remakes in general, and about Robocop in particular. For one, Robocop didn’t really need to be remade. The movie is already quite famous and popular. In fact, there was really nothing to improve over the first one. In fact, they always seem to remake movies that don’t have any problems. Why don’t they remake movies that were good ideas executed poorly? In any case, there seems to be a trend where they keep mining my childhood to remake movies instead of making new, original movies.

On the other hand, the plus side of the remake is that it makes more people aware of the original. Robocop is an 80’s classic, but most young people haven’t seen the original. Usually when movies of this type come out, the original get seen by an new audience as well.

Anyway, I saw the remake on Saturday, and it was…okay. It was a decent, kind of generic action flick. It didn’t have the cool violence and the personality of the original, and the movie seemed to really want to be a cross between Iron Man and Batman.

I would give it a solid 7/10 as a movie on its own but as a remake…well…

≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
