
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Snow Snow Go Away!

Monday, February, 17, 2014

Hi there everyone! Anand here as usual. Can you believe it? Another weekend full of snow! More of my precious plans are ruined by this snow…I was to run a half marathon on Saturday…but it was cancelled. I was supposed to meet a cute girl after…but she couldn’t get on the train. I was supposed to run on Sunday…too slippery. I really hope that this is the last we see of the snow in 2014. I think the Olympics are all that I need out of winter.

So basically, my weekend was exactly the same as last weekend, only shorter. I sat down in a cafe near my home, ordered some hayashi rice, and started practicing kanji. I must have sat in the cafe for four hours writing. Actually, I wrote so much that I ended up hurting my arm. I used to be an artist, but I had to stop drawing because I had done nerve damage to my arm from drawing and boxing. That is one of the reasons I am an English teacher now.

Of course, I can still box, and I can still draw, but I have to be careful about how much I do of either. Last thing I want is to ruin my good hand!

Anyway, if you are interested at all, here is some of the kanji that I wrote. In addition, you can see the hayashi rice that I spilled on the paper. Looks like my eating needs more practice too.

Until next time!

≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
