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Happy (American) Thanksgiving!

Monday, December, 02, 2013

Hello everyone, Anand as always with an update. ? If any of you are familiar with American culture, you know that one of the biggest days of the year was just last week, that day being Thanksgiving. ? Now it’s always weird to talk about Thanksgiving for me, since as a Canadian I celebrate Thanksgiving in October. ?But to the rest of the world, Thanksgiving is a November thing. ?In most cases I am pretty steadfast about maintaining the difference between Canada and America, but in this case I tend to relent. ?I especially do so now because I work in a preschool. ?See, if you were a three year old kid, would you rather have an awesome Halloween party, or a Thanksgiving party? ?With the busy schedule we have at our school there is only room for one party, so I tend to bite the bullet and treat Thanksgiving as a November occasion. ?It works out well, because then the kids get to celebrate and understand both events. ?At Sunrise we had the kids make several types of food out of paper, toilet paper rolls, tissue and so on.

Just take a look at this spread and tell me it doesn’t make you hungry (for the real thing).

You are looking at turkey legs, corn, salad, a stuffed turkey, rolls, pumpkin pie and some drinks to wash it down.

That is a proper Thanksgiving, if you ask me.

≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
