
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Halloween at work!

Monday, October, 28, 2013

Hello everyone! ?It’s that special time of the year again! ?Halloween is coming! ?After Christmas this is probably the biggest day of the year for any kid. The sheer concept of free candy is almost as mind blowing as all the sugar contained in said candy. ?As many of you may know, I spend a lot of my time working at Sunrise Kids, my company’s international preschool as well as Awesome English. ?As a result, I am in the full swing of getting things ready for our own little Halloween party. ?One of the things we are getting ready is our very own haunted house. ?I have been putting a lot of extra hours and a lot of love into this thing and it is turning out to be pretty good indeed. ?It’s a tricky thing to make a haunted house for a preschool. ?I know some of you like getting scared, but it hard to make a haunted house that is just scary enough to be “haunted”, but not scary enough to make kids wet themselves. ?That said, my staff and I have all been working very hard and I am sure things are going to work out well….I am pretty sure. ?I am mostly sure……..Oh man please let everything work out well…..


In any case, here is one of the things I made. ?It’s a dancing skeleton!

≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
