
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Onsen Time!

Monday, October, 21, 2013

Hi there everyone! ?Hope you are all having a good time doing whatever it is you do. ?The crazy weather doesn’t seem to want to stop, doesn’t it? ?I don’t mind the fact that it is getting colder, but I am sick of getting my shoes soaked through! ?In any case, I am enjoying my time now that I get the weekends off. ?This week I finally had a weekend where I didn’t have to run! ?I tried to make the most of it. ?I went to Odaiba with my friends for a birthday party. ?We went to this nice Mexican restaurant called Zest Cantina. ?I spent a lot of money, but I had a good time eating some of my favorite kinds of food. ?Next we all headed to a big onsen called Oedo Monogatari. ?Have you ever heard of it? ?Well, when I say we went to an onsen, I mean all of us but one. ?One of the people in our group was turned down for entry because of all of her tattoos. ?It’s a silly rule and usually we would try and plead ignorance, but there were too many signs in English for us to do so. ?It was a shame she couldn’t enter, but we all had a great time anyway. ?We played board games and card games all through the night…and of course we sat in the hot tubs! ?And in the end, it wasn’t all that pricey! ?All in all, it was a good night.


I definitely recommend it if you have the time!

See you later!


≫ Category: Awesome English,アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
