
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Halloween Costumes

Monday, October, 14, 2013

Looks like Halloween is coming up soon, and it is time to start thinking about a costume. ?I mean, this year I guess I have to think harder than usual, since now wearing a costume is part of my job! ?I’ve always liked Halloween. ?It’s a good chance for me to be silly and have a good time with my friends. ?But it’s the costuming that I enjoy the most, now that I don’t go trick or treating. ?I have worn some pretty neat costumes in my time, actually. ?When I first came to Japan, I dressed up as Michael Jackson. ?This, of course was before he died, so I like to think I was being somewhat original. ?After that, I took advantage of my ability to grow a mustache and did my rounds as Mario. ?My students definitely loved that choice. ?And the year after I decided to wear a panda costume that I found at a second hand store. ?It was a giant and hot item, but it was even more popular than Mario.

This year I have to choose another costume…what shall I be? ?Thankfully costumes are much easier to find here.

How about this idea? ?I think it suits me well…

≫ Category: Awesome English / by:staff
