
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く


Monday, September, 09, 2013

Hello there everyone! ?Anand here as always. ?Hope you are enjoying the cool weather, and I hope you are all staying dry in the rain. ?Monsoon season is here, which does suck. ?On the other hand, Japan was just given a piece of good news. ?I am sure you know it already unless you have been living under a rock. ?And that news is as follows. ?The Olympics are coming to Japan in 2020! ?We should all be happy, right?

I know lots of Japanese people are celebrating, but my reaction is one of utter apathy. ?To be honest, I don’t have a TV at home so I can’t watch the games anyway. ?And…when the Olympics finally do come to Tokyo…I will be 37 years old! ?I don’t really like the idea of being “old” and watching Olympic athletes being better than me.

And, as one of my friends pointed out to me, the Olympics are a great time for Japan to show its recovery from the Fukushima disaster and the Tohoku earthquake, but…where is the money going to come from? ?There are still tons of people who are homeless and others who are still trying to put their lives back together who could use the money that will go towards construction of stadiums and training facilities. ?So while the Olympics are a great and positive thing, we still have to think of their impact both good and bad.

≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
