
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Warrior Dash!

Monday, June, 17, 2013

Hi there everyone! ?Hope you enjoyed the week despite the awful weather. ?I had a great time with my friends as usual. ?And as always, it involved some sort of exercise. ?This week I joined a different kind of event. ?Usually I just join runs and the only real difference is the distance. ?But this time I joined the Warrior Dash, which has its origins in America. ?It’s only 5 kilometers, but while running you have to overcome a series of obstacles, most of which involve climbing, jumping or crawling. ?It was definitely different that your usual run! ?I was excited for it, because I rarely get the chance to move about in that sort of way. ?Thankfully I have some semi-athletic friends who wanted to run with me. ?We headed to Sagamiko where the race was held and took in the festivities. ?We were actually quite lucky in that it didn’t rain, but it was cool outside. ?To my surprise, upon running the course, I realized that it was quite easy! ?I had been expecting to barely be alive at the end, but me and my friends were all ready for more by the end. ?Thankfully we could quell our athletic drive with beer. ?Which is exactly what I did, heavily.

≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
