
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Yes, more running.

Monday, April, 15, 2013

Hi there everyone! The weather is finally starting to looks like spring! ?I say it’s about time ?we got some good, consistent weather. ?It’s especially lucky for me, since now I can run without having to wear a jacket and long sleeves. ?And of course that brings me to my usual blog topic, running. ?Yes, I participated in yet another road race, this time in Yokohama. ?But the important difference is that this time I actually brought some friends along! ?We all joined the Yokohama road race just yesterday. ?Since my friends don’t really run as much as I do, they ran the 10 kilometer course. ?Since I wanted a harder challenge, I ran 20 kilometers. ?All of my friends said it was a bad idea because I hadn’t trained, but I couldn’t tell myself that it was ok to quit. ?So I ran as fast as I could. ?My time was all right… not good, but not bad. ?But my time wasn’t important. ?What was important was that I met the challenge and tried my best. ?In the end, that is all I cared about.

Granted, I can barely move today.

So who was right? ?If I listened to my friends, I would feel much better and I would be able to run around today. ?But since I didn’t listen, I am very sore, however, I can say that I finished the race.

What do you think?

≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
