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My Favorite Book…in Japanese!

Monday, February, 25, 2013

Hi there everyone! ?Hope you had a good weekend! ?To be honest, I really didn’t do all that much. ?Now that work is a little less hectic (just a little), I have a little more time to devote to studying. ?It’s always hard to find a good way to study Japanese. ?I used to take lessons in order to pass level N2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, but I found that the just made me hate studying. ?And that is strange, because usually I love studying Japanese! ?In the end, while it is nice to keep pushing yourself towards learning new grammar and vocabulary, it can’t be your only form of studying.

That is why I jumped at the chance to read one of my favorite novels in Japanese. ?It’s called Call of the Wild in English and 野性の叫び声 in Japanese. ?It’s by a writer named Jack London. ?It’s the story of a dog who gets kidnapped from his home in California and sent to Alaska to pull sleds during the Gold Rush. ?I’ve always liked it for its clear writing and its short length. ?I was walking through Book-Off and randomly stumbled across the book. ?I flipped through the pages, and while it is pretty hard, I know the story well enough to guess the meaning of the Japanese. ?I am definitely hoping that it improves my reading and my kanji!

Hope you guys do well in your own studies!

Until next time,


≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
