
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

A Run Through the Dirt!

Monday, February, 04, 2013

Hello everyone! Anand here as always! It’s getting warmer, right? Hopefully spring will come soon and bring both longer and warmer days. I’ll be happy once I can sit on the roof of my building and read a book with a beer in hand. But that is something for another day.

If you pay any attention to these blogs, you will know that I love running. When I lived in Katsuura there was basically nothing for me to do after work so I just started running around the city. I actually became pretty good, having run my first full marathon last year. But after I moved to Yokohama I took a break so I could get accustomed to the big city life.

But since I have been in Yokohama for six months now (wow!) I am settled enough to get back into it! I decided that my first run would be something I have never tried…a trail run! I have done all of races on roads, so I thought a dirt trails would be something interesting to try. I chose the 1st Ise-Ebi run in the town of Onjuku, Chiba as my first choice. I was a little nervous about my first run in several months, but luckily I had a friend run with me.

And so I ran last Sunday.

And…it was great! Instead of just running on the road, I got to run on the beach, through the dirt, and up some crazy hills. I even got to climb some rocks. Part way through the run I realized that I wouldn’t be able to reach my personal best time, so I just focused on enjoying myself. And what ended up happening? My time was not so bad! In fact, I don’t think I have ever enjoyed myself more while running.

I guess somewhere along the line I started taking running too seriously. I forgot how fun it can be. I’ll definitely be running again.

Until next time,



≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
