
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Thanksgiving (Kinda)

Tuesday, November, 20, 2012

Hi everyone, Anand here as always. ?Hope you guys have been keeping busy. ?I busy as ever but enjoying my life, especially since today is payday. ?So while I haven’t been able to do much in the last few weekends, I have huge plans for this weekend. ?I will show you some pictures and tell you the story when I get the chance. ?All I will say is that it involves old friends and wine.

So in America Thanksgiving is around the corner. ?When Canadians hear this, we can’t help but laugh. ?Why? ?Because our Thanksgiving is on the second Monday of October! ?In other words, our Thanksgiving has been over for a month. ?That said, since coming to Japan, I have always enjoyed having Thanksgiving dinner with the friends I have met in my time here. ?I guess when you are a foreigner in Japan, countries of origin mean a little less. ?I think the need to find a community and celebrate together is a little more important.

It’s a time for us to think about what we are thankful for. ?I am thankful that Japan has been so good to me. ?I am thankful for all the Japanese people who have treated me so kindly. ?I am also thankful for my foreign friends who let me feel at home even when I am so far away from Canada. ?And of course, I am thankful for the ridiculous amount of food I get to eat on Thanksgiving Day and the wine I wash it down with.

While it isn’t the Thanksgiving I grew up with, I still like it. ?In some ways it isn’t as good because my family is so far away. ?But in other ways it is better because it reminds me that in the years I have been here I have managed to create a new one.

Happy Thanksgiving!


≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
