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E-readers: A Must for any Traveler!

Tuesday, October, 30, 2012

Hi there everyone, Anand as usual! ?Hope you all had Halloween weekend. ?Sadly I had to work, so I couldn’t go to any parties this year, but my costume is good and ready for next year!

That said, I am not sure if you guys are aware or not, but there is a huge storm named Sandy that is rocking the East Coast of North America, including Toronto. ?Hope everyone back home is doing all right. ?Stay inside!

Anyway, I managed to spend some more of my hard-earned money on a new toy. ?I ordered a Kindle Paperwhite from Amazon.co.jp

An e-reader is an essential tool for anyone overseas, especially in Japan. ?I try and read as much as I can, but it’s hard to find good English books in a Japanese store. ?In addition, books take up lots of space! ?With Japanese apartments being a little small, an apartment can get crowded quite fast. ?And of course, some books are just huge! ?I bought I am a Cat by Natsume Soseki in paperback form, but I couldn’t read it on the train because it was too big to carry around. ?On the other hand, e-readers are small, light and can store many books at a time. ?Recently Japan has been getting on board with the trend, so I can potentially read Japanese books as well.

So what is an e-reader? ?And e-reader is a device that uses a special technology called e-ink to simulate printed letters on a page. ?While it’s not exactly the same as a book, the newer models are getting closer and closer to the real thing. ?Here is my current Kindle displaying Call of the Wild, one of my favorite books.


E-readers are a great way to get a hold of foreign language books and to study a foreign language. ?At the same time, you can save space, and in a lot of cases, money! ?They are getting cheaper and cheaper, so I definitely recommend one for your studies.

Good luck!


≫ Category: アナンドからのメッセージ / by:staff
