
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

’tis the season

Wednesday, November, 09, 2016

Greetings and good day and all that. It is time for another post for the week.

So, right off the bat, the title states ’tis the season. The ” ’tis ” is an abbreviation for “it is”, but has an archaic feel to it. It is used commonly for holidays, but may occasionally be seen in other places. It was commonly used centuries ago, however.

But anyway, the topic today is regarding things about foreign influence. Japan didn’t really start getting into Christmas until maybe 10 or fewer years ago. I believe that the influence of the west has a role, but also that lovely word commercialization. Making money is what makes the world go round after all.

Anyway, this is the conclusion concluding the post of the week. As always, the difficult words have been emphasized in a way that appears just like this. That is the end of this chapter.

≫ Category: Awesome English / by:admin
