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Tense and nuance

Wednesday, June, 01, 2016

Greetings and ’tis a fine day indeed. It is time for another post for the week.

So, we all know that the tense of the verb can determine when an action is taking, took, has taken, or will take place and it can play a role in what one is trying to say. I came across an ad that was printed on a glass surface and it said: “We developed many kinds of european tablewares”. This sounds like a company that did something and no longer does it, or perhaps they did it for a specific reason only. If it’s continuing, however, it should say “develop” and not “developed”. Also, European should have a capital E and tableware should be singular.

Anyway, this is the conclusion concluding the post of the week. As always, the difficult words have been emphasized in a way that appears just like this. That is the end of this chapter.

≫ Category: Awesome English,ジョーダンからのメッセージ / by:admin
