
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Foreign music

Wednesday, March, 30, 2016

Greetings and good day. It is time for another post for the week.

It is no doubt that music plays a role all over the world. There are many styles from many countries and they all have their own distinct sound. Japan is no exception. So when I was out and about one day, I came across a sign that was advertising jazz. This seemed interesting to me as jazz felt like one of the more obscure things to see in Japan.

I personally did not attend this concert, but I think that for anyone wanting to learn English and is interested in a particular type of music, try studying words and lyrics that go with that music. You may find out great stuff.

Anyway, this is the conclusion concluding the post of the week. As always, the difficult words have been emphasized in a way that is just like this. That is the end of this chapter.

≫ Category: Awesome English,ジョーダンからのメッセージ / by:admin
