
[受付時間] 10時〜21時 年中無休※年末年始を除く

Conveying visual warnings

Wednesday, March, 16, 2016

Greetings and good day. It is time for another post for the week.

Well, Japan has many zany things out there and they often times like to use visual aids to assist in the understanding of things. In principle, this is good, however to foreigners seeing it to the first time, it often comes across as amusing.

One example is in elevators with a sticker showing a crab removing someone’s finger. The idea of being careful around the door is good, but the idea of comparing getting one’s hand stuck in the door to that of a crab snipping off the finger is hilarious. In the west, I often only see things written without visual aids.

Anyway, this is the conclusion concluding the post of the week. As always, the difficult words have been emphasized in a way that is just like this. That is the end of this chapter.

≫ Category: Awesome English,ジョーダンからのメッセージ / by:admin
