Hello Everyones!

How is the June times with you!? Now darling♥ and me’s will be go to Okinawa Isalands†!

Di you go to the Okinawa Islands!?

I’s really like the Okinawa(*_*). Many good foods for restaurants and dinners[親指サイン]!! I thinks Japanese like the pork foods[OK!]. Okinawa has so much the pork!! Even they eats pork’s ear[豚], the pork nose[豚], the pork feets[豚]! Here is an canmera.

I don’t want eating the nose and feets(`_`)[!] Maybe they the chew foods↓! Wow(^-^)!!

Also beach waether has the nice suns[日の出]! Also the water very nice color†! Also so nice temperatures♥♥! Also the Okinawa people are the most friendly(^_^) peoples I thinks[OK!](^_^)!

Darling never go to the Okinawa yet(x_x)[!] I want showing him the beautiful place! Do you have the recomend place in the Okinawa[飛行機]!?

I think the next months will be the hotter omonthsΣ3! Darling hating(`_`) the hotter month!! He sweat the much mores than the Japanese mens↓, but I think men that sweats the handsome(*_*)!

But, I much don’t like(^o^) morning trains in summer times[NG] There many many peoples…(`_`) Now there is not electricity for all the thing[稲妻]. I’m worry that no aircon on train)@_@(!!

See you next time! (^_^)