Hello Everyone!

Yesterday was so cold and raining so many☂
I hate rain and when too cold [台風] it is so bad. But it will be summer soon. (#□#)

(~_~)I want to stay my house, but morning time I must go [仕事かばん] to buy food because nothing shopping this week. And for tonight meal [レストラン] I want to cook for Darling. I went to buy some things at store [バナナ]. I cannot ridebicycle in rain [自転車]. [ロングブーツ]I go walk, but I cannot hold so many bags. ;-.-) Its heavy and with umbrella its difficult(:_;;

I thinking tonight to cook fish [熱帯魚] but Darling says he likes meat. I thinking to make nikujaga too. Do you know nikujaga?
It is meat and potatoes and onions boil in sweet sauce. Darling likes my cook and I am happy.(^-^)

[日本]In Japan, many women like cooking for boyfriend, but Darling says [アメリカ] in America not so many woman is cooking. They together eat outside [車]and go some place for eat. It’s so nice too I think. In Japan, many mother is making bento lunch for family. [ひよこ] I think many women are cooking for show love →♥ Sometimes I make bento for Darling too.

☁I come back home so wet for rain.;; So I have some hot tea [日本茶]and next I cook nice meal for night. Darling working so I get ready for he come back time. [夜] I make special nikujaga my grandmother make for me when I child. I think it is yummy and Darling think it too.

Darling come back home a little late time because of job. [ベル] I think he come back 19:30[腕時計] but he call me at that time to say he is now finish from work.[NG] I get bits angry because I cook long time and waiting him to come home(x_x). He come back late time at 22:00(`_`). He say sorry and bring some cake[ケーキ] and a DVD. [OK!] I angry, but he tired and I have day at home. I change my feeling.

We eat dinner and it is very nice. We eat grill fish, nikujaga, pickle vegetables and miso soup. [mug cup] We drank beer too. [mug cup]

After eat, we eat cake he buy [ケーキ]and we watch funny DVD. [テレビ]

Sometimes nice to stay at house[家] and
its relaxing time together!!

[親指サイン]See you next time(^j^)