Darling is come back [飛行機]to the Japan on 2 days before !!

I was so much happy that we see again (*_*) (*_*) (*_*) !! I came to airport by msyself (^-^) to meet him there ♥♥.
He looks soo much tired Zzz from flying time (x_x). We take the bus to back darling house [バス停].

I want to talk many things (^o^), but he is tiring the bus and sleeped (ToT) (~_~).

BUT Yesterday we have good times togethr !! I gave darling Christmas gift [パッケージ]. It very nice kind of glove that my boy like very much ‡! He was so much happy that I give the glove [チョキ] !!

My boy give me many thinsg from the kaigai :-P. There were snack and clotheses and even earing that is so much nice for me (^3^) !!

I was sooooo happy † that we have time together that days !!

At night, we went dinner in the Shinjuku Mekishikan (Mexiko??) restaurant (^_^).
Sometimes we go because darling like ♥♥ that kinds food. [OK!]

After the dinner we went to amazing beer place [ビール] in the Shibuyas!

There many beer from many (T^T) different smaller beer make companies (T^T). I like sweet (*_*), so I got sweet tasting beer. [ビール] It tasteds like dessert [バースデー] !!

I was give the many things (^_^) the Christmas but favorite gift is darling come see me !! ♥

Next week maybe we go do outdoor thing !?

See you (^_^)!