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My Sweetheart is a Foreigner

The Final Quarter

Hello everyone.

It’s been a fairly mild summer (comparatively) to previous years. We had the first real typhoon the other day, so hopefully everyone was able to stay safe. It got sunny again and feels great. Even the statues on the street are smiling!

We hope you’re all staying safe amidst the pandemic as well.

If you’re a foreigner looking to meet Japanese women or Japanese singles, remember that EXEO International offers several speed dating events throughout the month.

Please check us out and check our homepage for event schedules and details.

Stay safe everyone!

Summer continues

Hello everyone.

We’re still in the midst of summer. Not so many rainy days as there were last month, so it’s plenty hot. Events are still being held regularly so be sure to check out our schedule for more info.

And as always, do you part and stay safe and responsible until this pandemic has ended.

If you’re a foreigner looking to meet Japanese women or Japanese singles, remember that EXEO International offers several speed dating events throughout the month.

Please check us out and check our homepage for event schedules and details.

Stay safe everyone!

The Mid-summer Situation

Hello everyone.

It’s gotten warmer, but unfortunately it seems things aren’t letting up with this pandemic. The past few days have been rough for the country. I seriously hope we can avoid having to resort to scenes like the photo below (taken during lockdown), but if things continue then we may have to do this yet again.

Do you part and stay safe and responsible.

If you’re a foreigner looking to meet Japanese women or Japanese singles, remember that EXEO International offers several speed dating events throughout the month.

Please check us out and check our homepage for event schedules and details.

Stay safe everyone!

Rainy season and cooler weather

Hello everyone.

It’s still not a great time to be doing a lot of socializing, sadly, but at least it’s been a pretty mild summer thus far. The rainy season seems to have happened later than what it normally does (at least in my experience). Usually around this time it’d be super hot and sunny, but we’ve been lucky with some relatively cooler weather.

The turtles are happy.


If you’re a foreigner looking to meet Japanese women or Japanese singles, remember that EXEO International offers several speed dating events throughout the month.

Please check us out and check our homepage for event schedules and details.

Stay safe everyone!

The start of summer

Hello everyone.

Summer has started, although thankfully it hasn’t been super hot yet. I’m sure that’ll change in the near future.

The warm weather usually prompts a lot of outdoor activity, usually, but it’s hard to say what things will be like this year. Outdoor walks in the evening are certainly nice Maybe you can meet a furry friend, too.

If you’re a foreigner looking to meet Japanese women or Japanese singles, remember that EXEO International offers several speed dating events throughout the month.

Please check us out and check our homepage for event schedules and details. Hopefully some things can happen in June.

Stay safe everyone!

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