An All-English Preschool in Yokohama.
English classes for 2 years old to elementary school age.


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Sunrise Kids International School

Sunrise Kids International School Yokohama

Eiken level 4 at age5!!

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045- 620- 2490 Mon.-Fri. 9:00am-6:00pm
Eiken level 4 at age5!!

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Lesson & Events

Lesson & Events

Happy home, Happy planet!

Hello everyone! This month, we’ve been learning all about keeping our home, bodies and even our planet clean! By washing our bodies and cleaning our homes, we can keep the planet clean for future generations. But simply wiping the floor or washing our hair, won’t help too much. We need to recycle all manner of things such as, paper, aluminium and plastic.

So first, we need to know how and why we need to clean the planet. For this, we need to know about the other environments of the world.


The ocean is the biggest and the most in danger as so much oil and pollutants are dumped there.


But there are many other places  in which too many pollutants are carelessly thrown aside without a second thought for the nature and animals that inhabit it.


This is a pollution box, showing the effects of oil and other substances that boats drop into the ocean.IMG_7496

Here we are recycling some old paper and a bicycle using the paper box and aluminium box.


By teaching to recycle, we can help kids understand the dangers our whole world faces and how to prevent pollution.


The Butterflies then actually used some old, unneeded paper, to make some new paper!

The Caterpillars took their cleaning skills into the home and learned all about germs! Tiny bacteria that, if breathed or eaten or simply touched, can make you sick and makes the room really dirty. So we learned that one must wash their hands, periodically, throughout the day (especially when they LOOK dirty) to remove all the bad germs.


We did this by simulating the fact that germs are EVERYWHERE and by touching things, sneezing, coughing and even just moving, the germs will spread and could cause one to get sick!


On the tables!


In our hands and on our chairs!


But if we wash our hands, we can at least make them clean!


So after the germs covered our hands, we practiced washing our hands in a toy sink (so we didn’t put tape and paper in the real one) then went to the bathroom to put that practice into action!

Other than germs on our hands and in our house, we learned that there are so many germs in your mouth! To remove those germs, we need to brush our teeth at least two times, every day! So that means we need to learn proper technique to keep our mouths, clean.


We used a laminated mouth and make-shift toothbrush to practice brushing up and down…


Left and right….


And round and round!

When we realise just how dirty everything really is, we can make a change and have the cleanest planet, possible.

Thank you for joining us, this month.

Until next time, stay clean!

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